
Why You Should Use Flash For Your Web Audio

By Roger Weavers

There are a number of different ways to add audio to your web site. Some can be a bit hit and miss and others can work out just plain expensive.

So what is a quick and easy way to add audio to your web site without breaking the bank?

You have probably guessed from the title of this article but I would like to show you why by giving you all of the options.

The cheapest and easiest way to add audio to your web site is to simply upload an mp3 file to your web site and create a link to it on your web page, job done! Well not quite, there are pros and cons to this method. If you want your visitors to be able to download your mp3 so they can listen to it at a later date on their computer or iPod, (this is called pod casting) the link method is perfect. Simply instruct your visitors to right click on the link and select "save target as" (or "save link as" in Firefox).

If you want your visitors to be able to play your audio file immediately online then there are a few problems. If the link is clicked on a number of things could happen depending on which plug-ins are installed. If iTunes or QuickTime is installed the mp3 will download and play in a new browser window. Otherwise the mp3 could play in Windows Media Player, Real Player or another application like WinAmp or maybe not play at all.

Another method of adding audio to your web page would be to embed the audio into the page. With a bit of html code, instead of the player opening in a separate window it will appear on your web page. This also depends on which plug-ins are installed so it may play in a variety of players or not play at all!

There are other options like using a dedicated server or proprietary software but these can be expensive and your visitors would probably need to download extra software before they could play your audio. These options can work out very expensive and should only be considered if you are going to have very large volumes of downloads.

So, let’s consider Flash Audio. The Flash plug-in is estimated to be on 98% of computers on the Internet. You can create audio buttons to fit on your web page in whatever position you want and in your colour scheme. Flash uses mp3 audio which will stream over any connection. So will flash audio you are in complete control. The only problem is that would need to buy and learn Macromedia Flash or pay someone else to do it. That is until recently when a number of cheap and easy to use software packages have come onto the market which enables anyone who can cut and paste, to add Flash streaming audio to their web site. Most of these programs have been listed and reviewed at

So now any one can create professional and reliable audio buttons on their web site.

Roger Weavers has been working in the computer industry since 1983 and has been involved with Internet marketing since 1997. He has a number of successful web sites from Web design and promotion to Spanish real estate. Discover the Easy Way To Add Streaming Audio To Your Website

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